Serving a Virtual CD over the Network

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Virtual CD FS enables access to virtual CDs over the network for any number of users. The virtual CDs are made accessible by sharing the virtual drives that the Virtual CD FS program installs on the file server. When a virtual CD is inserted in a shared virtual CD drive, the data on the CD is available to all users who have access to that share.

One of the main differences between Virtual CD FS and the standard Virtual CD edition is that the CD data is accessed over a share rather than a virtual CD drive. This method has the following advantages:

It provides you with a CD-ROM server solution that enables centralized administration and control of all available virtual CDs.
The data on your CDs is available to your users immediately; no further installation is needed on the network client stations.
You can use Windows network mechanisms to control access to the data on your virtual CDs.
The data can be accessed by any number of users.


Aside from these advantages, the fact that no virtual drives are installed on the users' machines also entails some limitations. Specifically, Virtual CD FS does not work with the following:

Applications that require a local CD drive (e.g., as a copy-protection technique).
CD contents (such as audio files) that require a local CD drive.



If you use both data CDs and CDs that run applications requiring a local drive, we recommend a mixed Virtual CD solution. In other words, you can use Virtual CD FS to provide central access to your data CDs, and install the classic Virtual CD edition on workstations that run applications requiring a local CD drive. Thus Virtual CD lets you tailor access to CDs over the network to fit your specific needs.