Virtual CD TS Services

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All Virtual CD programs install a service called the Virtual CD v10 Management Service. Virtual CD TS installs another service as well, called the Virtual CD v10 NetAccess Helper, on the computer on which Virtual CD TS is installed. The two services have different tasks:

The Virtual CD v10 Management Service provides many of the functions for managing the virtual CD drives.
The Virtual CD v10 NetAccess Helper is responsible for ensuring that virtual CDs can be accessed over the network.



With the default settings, the Virtual CD v10 Management Service starts automatically. If this service is not running, a number of important Virtual CD TS functions will not be not available, which in turn will result in errors.



The Virtual CD v10 NetAccess Helper service is required only if you have images accessed over the network. With the default settings, it does not run when you launch Virtual CD, and has to be started manually. For details, see Configuration for Network Access.