Virtual CD knowledge base

Tags VirtualCD

Removing filter drivers from the registry

Please only carry out the procedure described in this KB article after consultation with the H+H Virtual CD-Support!


Some CD-emulators and burning programs install an extra filter driver for each drive - regardless whether the drive can burn data or not.

Known filter drivers are among others:

Such filter drivers often cause problems, e.g. if a particular number of (virtual and/or physical) CD-ROM drives exist.


Often it is unclear which filter driver is installed through which software. With the following workaround you can determine which filter driver is causing the problem:


  1. Click on Start -> Run and enter regedit.
  2. Search for the key
  3. Save the key (e.g. through exporting it in a REG-file).
  4. Delete LowerFilters and UpperFilters from the character strings of the filter driver.
  5. Restart the PC.
  6. If the error is fixed, systematically add one filter after another, each time restarting the PC, until you have found which driver has caused the problem.

This solution is also describe in corresponding Microsoft KB articles:

Please take into consideration that through the removal of a filter driver from the registry, the program for which this driver was used may possibly not function properly because the respective driver will not be activated (the key affects all CD-/DVD-drives)!

Article #2136 | 07/04/07 | Martin Oevermann